Tuesday 30 April 2019

Terrarium for Sale

Sand Terrarium

Open Terrarium

Terrarium for sale at Indo American Nursery at Ulsoor. Saw these and few other items kept for sale in the plant nursery office. With their permission I took pictures so that I can make new ones with these designs ideas in mind.

I feel it's important to see many other terrarium design and themes so that you can copy a part of it, or infuse some ideas based on what you have seen.

Earlier during a Sunday Soul Sante event in Bangalore, I took pictures of open terrarium that has been made and kept for display. Along with it, there was a note which was hung next to the terrarium made for sale. Note said - DO NOT TAKE PHOTOGRAPHS.

Well, I took pictures after seeing the note. I think the creator of these terrarium didn't want visitor to take pictures and copy his or her creative ideas. Having said this, I feel terrarium is loosing it's relevance.

Monday 29 April 2019

Ocean Brand Container Closed Terrarium

In any profession or in day-to-day life, we surprise ourselves by doing something unexpected or unplanned. Often, these unplanned things result in better experience, or turn out in interesting way.

In the initial stages of starting my terrarium class, I was running short of ideas and also glass jars to grow terrarium. That's when I found Ocean brand jars. 

Fast-forward it, I regularly use it for making closed terrarium. 

Open Terrarium Ideas

Bowl of  Green

How about gifting a terrarium made in a fish bowl? What plants will you choose? Will you choose succulents and cactus? Will you follow a rustic theme or you will choose low-light plants like fittonia and peperomia? 

Friday 26 April 2019

Sample Terrarium Ideas

Terrarium Design

How do you make a good (not the right word) looking terrarium which mimics natural outdoor scenes? I tell my self and terrarium students to look for better samples available on the Internet so that you can follow the design and create something more interesting.

This picture is from such a source which I had seen while browsing. I wish I could have saved the link so that I can revisit it again and get more design ideas.

Moss in a Terrarium extra charm and beauty to the terrarium. Let me try making this design while making the next project. 

Care for Container Garden

Container Garden in a Gold Fish Bowl
How do you make an open container garden? How do you maintain and take care of the plants in a bowl? What are the extra precaution you need to do in a garden in a bowl?

First of all, making a container garden requires a layer of pebbles at the base. This is called the drainage layer. After the drainage layer, I usually put a layer of charcoal - the purpose of putting charcoal is to absorb the moisture and odor inside.

Maintaining a Freshly Potted Garden in a Bowl

1. Avoid too much of sunlight falling on the glass
2. Water sparingly ( Neither excess or too scarce)

Love with Succulents in Bangalore

Succulents - Haworthia cooperi
Thanks to the interest in making terrarium, we have more nurseries in Bangalore selling terrarium friendly plants and succulents.

Before all these juicy succulents became popular, it was only cactus and aloe vera. Now, in most nurseries, there are varieties of succulents, which is all new to garden lovers.

Succulents in Bangalore

In Bangalore, the nurseries I visit are the ones close to my home. The two nurseries are the Indo American Nursery situated in the same space shared by Ambara and Garden Care next to Chocolate Junction. As a frequent visitor, the staff at these nurseries are familiar to my quiet presence.

Indo American has a bigger outlet at Banshankari. Thanks to these plant nurseries, they are the source of all the plants for terrarium classes in Bangalore.

So, where do you buy plants for your garden?

In the pic : Haworthia cooperi

Let me know in the comments!