Online Terrarium Class

Closed Container Garden

Closed and Open Terrarium

Succulent and Aloe in Open Bowl

Sand Art Planter

Online Terrarium Class for Beginners

Pandemic has been a big disruptor for many. For me, I had to stop classroom training at Bangalore and Trivandrum. Also, I had to shelf the idea to take classes at Hyerabad, Pune, and Calicut.

In this phase, I have only one option to take terrarium class - Online Classes. In one way, I will be able to share my garden ideas to people unrestricted by distance and time-zones.

Learning Terrarium - Virtual Classes

Here are the details of online class.

This class is taken via Zoom App , where you'll see the LIVE demonstration.

It's 1 hr class where I cover three types of terrarium/open container garden

1. Closed terrarium. ( how to construct a terrarium from scratch.

1. Learn to make the soil for terrarium
2. Understand the type of plant used
3. How to create different elements inside a terrarium
4. Care and maintenance of terrarium
5. Plant Care 

2. Open terrarium 
( How to design a open terrarium as per a theme).
Choosing succulents and cactus varieties for open container garden)

3. Sand art ( Basic sand art design)

Fee for this class is Rs 1,450.

( After the class, you'll get the LIVE recording of the class, which you can refer anytime)

For details, pls call me ( Biju Charles) at Ph# 9900114982

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