Saturday 20 February 2021

Polka Dot in a Glass Jar Terrarium


Polka Dot Plant

Another first time where I planted a polka dot plant in a closed glass jar. Here's my observation

How did polka dot adapt in a closed jar space?

The plant grew well - slightly leggy in looks. It looks like that the plant didn't get the required sunlight. 

Fungus Attack
I noticed white balls sticking to the leaves and joints of the plant. I feel this plant is more prone to such problems! 

Polka Dot - only for open container Garden

It would be suitable in an open container garden. 

Saturday 12 December 2020

Turn a Old Aquarium Tank to an Indoor Garden


Budding Garden in my Living Room

I had this fish tank for more than three decades. It belonged to my uncle who gave it to us when he moved to US. In these years, it has seen many new fishes, different layout, change in location as we moved house.  One of the favorite fish was Simson with dark orangish shade. However, with years of usage, the tar coat on the base started to crack and leaks started to form. 

I remember how I tied it behind my cycle and went all the way to meen amavam at Vazudacadu ( MP Appan Road). He did a neat job of repairing it with fresh layer of tar kind of stuff and it began a new lease of life. 

And after many years, the leakage started. This time, it was shelved. No longer any shop repaired this kind of fish tank. 

Now in 2020, I decided to reuse it as a mini garden space. Luckily it fitted correctly in our showcase in the living room. 

What you see now is the growth of plants after two months. There are still spaces which needs to be landscaped. Hope to start one more of such project 

Leaky Fish Tank 

Saturday 12 September 2020

Love for Plant Stands


Plant Stand 

Being fickle in thought, I fall in love with most things that fall on my radar. One of the things I like these days are the well made plant stands. The picture of stand shared here was taken from a shop at Indira Nagar, which sells all sorts gift pieces, home decor things and stands like these. 

As my purse didn't permit me to buy this, all I could do was take a picture and then figure out a way to make it at home. 

Months and days has passed and I saw this picture and decided to bring more limelight. So, this public posting will remind me to try making this. 


Biju Charles

I, Me and My Plants


All set for the terrarium Class

Plant Collection 

Spider Haworthia and Bromilard


Spider Plant Succulent 

Spider Haworthia

